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Figgerits Daily Levels Answers

Here we are today with the answers of the daily challenges of Figgerits.

The daily Levels appear differently for each player. You should know that all players receive the “Day 1 grid” when they play for the first time. Subsequently, each time they open a new daily challenge, it progresses sequentially: Day 2, Day 3, etc. This is independantly from the calendar date.

Therefore, if you want to determine which day’s challenge you are on, you need to add one each time you “open” a new daily challenge, regardless of whether it’s for a previous or a future day or whether you solved previous ones or not.

Figgerits Daily Levels Answers

Figgerits Answers

That’s it, the game is finished; you can follow this topic for any new update. As seen, the answers are written following the appearance in the game; you can also use this dedicated topic, just put your clue or a part of it and let it find the correct answer.

Thank you.
