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Word Connect Daily Challenge [ September Answers ]

Before to start, i would invite to take a look to the topic dedicated to word connect daily cheats which will give you tips to unlock the game for days that you missed to play and then collect the bonus.

Now, we will give you all the answers provided with the game in each separate module: word connect daily september.

Word Connect Daily September Answers:

Word Connect

11 September :

  1. Is, Sin, In
  2. Hay, Say, As, Ash
  3. Dots, Dot, Sod, Sot
  4. Pablum, Plumb, Lamb, Bump
  5. Unpaved, Dupe, Vend, Paved

12 September :

  1. Doit, Dot
  2. Apse, Ape, As
  3. Naive, Vine, Vain
  4. Wryest, Rest, West, Stew
  5. Politic, Coil, Clop, Clip, Toil

13 September :

  1. Bird, Bid
  2. Liar, Rail, Ail
  3. Taper, Pert, Apt
  4. Store, Toss, Rest, Sets, Rose
  5. Knurled, Drunk, Lurk, Duel

14 September :

  1. Sins, Sin
  2. Veil, Live, Lie
  3. Nixed, Index, Nix
  4. Barred, Drab, Brad, Barre
  5. Reeling, Leering, Reign

15 September :

  1. Goon, Go, No
  2. Prod, Drop, Do
  3. Unlit, Until, Lit
  4. Snarky, Nary, Rank, Sank
  5. Provost, Spoor, Sport, Sort

16 September :

  1. Tink, Knit
  2. Feat, Fate, Feta
  3. Ramie, Aim, Air, Are
  4. Boom, Robe, Room, Bore, Oboe
  5. Billowy, Lowly, Yowl, Lily

17 September :

  1. Ward, Draw
  2. Long, Go, Log
  3. Showy, Why, How, Shy
  4. Kaolin, Oink, Kola, Akin
  5. Bearded, Breaded, Reed

18 September :

  1. Mug, Smug
  2. Tear, Rate, At
  3. Banal, Ala, Ban, Lab
  4. Rugged, Grudge, Drug
  5. Armband, Band, Drab, Arab, Bard

19 September :

  1. Went, Newt
  2. Bade, Bead, Abed
  3. Laced, Decal, Cad
  4. Moor, Room, Robe, Boom, Bore
  5. Pianist, Paint, Saint, Spit

20 September :

  1. Gore, Goer
  2. Paws, Swap, Wasp
  3. Taste, State, Test
  4. Beside, Side, Seed, Bees
  5. Nourish, Onrush, Ruin, Rush

21 September :

  1. Swan, Sawn
  2. Hole, Hoe, He
  3. Plank, Plan, Alp
  4. Weld, World, Lewd, Drew, Wold
  5. Easiest, Ease, Tease, Site

22 September :

  1. Un, Bum, Bun
  2. Am, Mace, Came
  3. Ail, Aim, Cam, Lam
  4. Shadow, Dash, Dhow, Dosa
  5. Fiancee, Faience, Fence

23 September :

  1. Wand, Dawn
  2. Puma, Ump, Am
  3. Blue, Bel, Lob, Ole
  4. Damsel, Medal, Meld, Lead
  5. Crocked, Croc, Dock, Crock

24 September :

  1. Pore, Rope
  2. Sack, Cask, Sac
  3. Domed, Odd, Mod, Doe
  4. Tamper, Term, Mare, Mart
  5. Hobbler, Herb, Blob, Lobe, Bole

25 September :

  1. Germ, Me, Gem
  2. Real, Earl, Ale
  3. Study, Dusty, Dust
  4. Corona, Racoon, Coon
  5. Mimetic, Mime, Cite, Emic, Emit

26 September :

  1. Gory, Orgy
  2. Hank, Ankh, Khan
  3. Welsh, Hew, Sew, She
  4. Dire, Ridged, Gird, Grid
  5. Ting, Twig, Wing, Twin, Wining, Witing

27 September :

  1. Cop, Moc, Mop
  2. No, On, So, Son
  3. Elf, Elk, Feu, Flu
  4. Slip, Spin, Lint, Lisp, List
  5. Slipper, Ripples, Ripple, Isle, Lisp, Peri, Perp

28 September :

  1. Beta, At, Be
  2. Risk, Is, Irk
  3. Fog, Foo, Goo, Off
  4. Deli, Eyed, Idle, Idly, Elide
  5. Euro, Serious, Rise, Rose, Ruse

29 September :

  1. Felt, Left
  2. Ramp, Am, Amp
  3. Bun, But, Nub, Nut
  4. Bribe, Bear, Bare, Abbe, Babe
  5. Compute, Come, Mute, Comp, Cope

30 September :

  1. Cats, Scat
  2. What, Hat, At
  3. Sixth, His, Its, Six
  4. Auto, Cart, Coat, Curt, Orca
  5. Closing, Cling, Clog, Ling

Do you know that ?

If you dont have coins, you can anticipate the access to the next day challenge ?


It is possible …


It is easy as pz !

This is what to do :

  1. Go to your device settings
  2. Click on : “date & time settings” ( it can depends on the device )
  3. Turn “Automatic date & time” off.
  4. Go to “Set Date”
  5. Change the date
  6. Enjoy playing a new daily challenge.

You can repeat this action to access to previous or future days .

Hope this helped you a lot.

See ya for next updates of the game.


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