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What you will find :
This puzzle includes all the clues that appeared to players during the lifetime of the game..
Each clue points to the topic that gives the answer.
This puzzle includes all the clues that appeared to players during the lifetime of the game..
Each clue points to the topic that gives the answer.
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This passage aims you to help you strike the answers of Figgerits Secret Level 17.The game is developed by Hitapps Games. Undoubtedly our major mission is to assist you in solving the levels. Therefore, in order to enjoy continuous progress, you have nothing to do but to visit our topics frequently as we reveal new clues with every update.
Figgerits Secret Level 17 Answers :
- Ginger __ is a carbonated, sweet, and non-alcoholic drink
- What do you call a little bay?
- Owners of a __ can open a business under the brand’s umbrella
- What do you call a woven net?
- A pattern for a waffle
- A thing or a person who recognizes something
- __ positivity is quite a dangerous belief
- It protects knights
- A synonym for “skillfulness”
- A brave soldier possesses this quality
- Something cheap and distasteful
- Someone who studies cultures and races
- The stroma is the thickest layer of the __
- His only __ makes me nauseous
- Thick cotton fabric
The phrase of this level is : The Night Of The Radishes Is A Radish-Carving Contest Held In Oaxaca, Mexico
Once You succeed this puzzle, The journey goes on smoothly when you visit this topic: Figgerits Secret Level 18
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